
Lecture Hall "# STRESS SURFING" - Meeting of the International Club "Nasledniki"

The uniqueness of the Youth Business Club "Nasledniki" lies in the fact that it is here in a family format, jointly parents - owners and managers of companies and their children can communicate, discuss the most relevant topics that are of interest to most people today.

The theme # nbsp; "Stress surfing"   was not chosen by chance.
  In connection with the continuous growth of social, economic, environmental, technological and other changes in our life, as well as significant changes in the content and working conditions of representatives of many professions, the topic of stress is becoming increasingly relevant.
All people are subject to stress, but the response to it is different. Some people experience it very painfully. Others can easily channel stress in a positive direction. According to statistics, 95% of Russians experience stress, 34% are constantly experiencing it.
During the lecture, together with the speakers, we figured out:
- What is stress and is it so dangerous;
- Why is it important to notice your stress in time;
- What determines the strength and timing of stress;
- How to recognize emotions and manage stress most effectively.
And we learned with interest that stress is a source of energy that gives strength to new achievements.

The speakers were:
- Ivan Kirillov # nbsp; - PhD in Medicine, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, creator of the Stress Surfing concept, author of books, corporate trainer (Moscow, Istanbul);
- Angela Kabieva # nbsp; - Public health expert, Chief physician of the KGBUZ Vladivostok Clinical Diagnostic Center.
The participants of the event received useful knowledge and congratulations from Santa Claus and Snegurochka, a birthday cake and New Year's gifts.

Thank you for your cooperation # nbsp; gallery of contemporary art "ARKA". # Nbsp; One of the first private galleries in Vladivostok in 2020 will be 25 years old.
Gifts have been delivered!
Desires are made!
It's time to move on, in the New Year with new goals and new opportunities!
Financial sector